The 3 Simple Systems that Helped a Course Launch Expert Skyrocket Her Revenue by 167% in Less Than 6 Months

Dive into the Exact Process that Chelsie Used to go from $6k months to $20k+ months

“Before working with Rhonda, my hand was in everything. Now that I have my team in place, I know my clients are taken care of and I don’t have to be doing every single step along the way.”

Remarkable Results:

167% Increase in Revenue in Less than 6 Months: Chelsie went from averaging $6k/mo to hitting $20k months

Increased Prices by 25%: Chelsie gained the confidence to raise her prices by 25%

Quicker Delivery Time: by streamlining her processes, Chelsie was able to slash project delivery time in half

Cut Time on Discovery Calls by 67%: Instead of spending an hour or more on discovery calls, Chelsie can land new clients in as little as 20 minutes

Help Delivering the Goods without Micromanagement: Chelsie’s meticulous SOPs have enabled her team to complete projects without her constant input

After working with Rhonda for fewer than 6 months, Chelsie tripled her average monthly income all while charging more for her services and spending less time on client work.

“In March, I made $23,000. I paid for all of the bills for my family and paid off our vehicle.”

Overwhelmed, Burned Out, and Bummed

Before working with Rhonda, Chelsie was a burned-out, overwhelmed Course Launch Expert averaging $6,000/mo with her business. She had high aspirations of a 6-figure business but hadn’t quite hit that mark.

While she had some processes in place, they weren’t honed in enough to help her team execute efficiently without oversight. Chelsie routinely spent 10-hour days working on project fulfillment, client acquisition, and onboarding.

“Nothing I was doing on my own had tipped the scale to make a dramatic increase.”

Chelsie knew she needed to elevate her systems in order to scale her business but wasn’t sure where to start.

Enter Rhonda, Stage Right

The Three Critical Business Systems that Exploded Chelsie’s Revenue and Bought Back 25+ Hours a Week

In order for a business to be successful and grow, it’s critical to have systems in place so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time you land a new deal. Luckily for Chelsie (and you!), Rhonda is a systems superhero.

“Rhonda gave me the framework for how to interact with my team members and my clients. That allowed me to find more clients and have more discovery calls. I wasn’t spending so much time in my business - I was spending time interacting in communities to find new people for discovery calls.”

For Chelsie, it made sense to have three systems:

Delivering client work

Streamlining discovery calls

Marketing her business

Let’s dive into each.

System #1: The Business Backend

With Rhonda’s guidance, Chelsie spent about three months dialing in her business’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) using client work as the guide.

Those three months were well worth the time investment because they allowed her to hand off the time-consuming aspects of delivering top-notch client work to her team and focus more on landing new business.

“The SOP is the backbone of my business. Everything about my business is in this SOP. If something were to happen to me, I feel confident that my team can still operate and get the job done because we have this SOP.”

Why it Works:

Her system is repeatable, scalable, and precise

Her team members can handle tasks without Chelsie’s oversight

Chelsie spends less time jumping from task to task because she knows exactly where each client is in the process

System #2: The Client-Facing Frontend

To help her clients come to a discovery call primed for working with her, Chelsie created a pre-call “course” that her clients watch ahead of the call to answer common questions.

She also uses an intake form to make sure the people booking calls are her ideal clients.

Finally, she developed a script to keep her discovery calls on track and make sure she gets all the information needed to begin working with someone new.

By using this formula for vetting prospective clients, Chelsie has cut her discovery call time in half and her clients come to the calls prepared with the knowledge they need to make a decision.

This process also lets her clients know that her time is valuable. By having prospective clients do some of the legwork prior to a discovery call, Chelsie positions herself as an expert and attracts clients who will respect her time and approach.

“I have had 20-minute discovery calls where at the end of that time they sign up for my $5,000 package. And that's because they are my ideal person. I know what they want. I know that I have what they need and we follow the script.”

Why it Works:

She attracts clients who have demonstrated that they value her time

Clients who book discovery calls are more likely to work with Chelsie because they have a better understanding of what to expect

Chelsie has significantly reduced the time her discovery calls make while upping her revenue

System #3: Mapping Out Marketing

Before working with Rhonda, Chelsie didn’t have a marketing process in place. She was able to get people on calls, but as soon as her business got busy, marketing went out the window.

So she mapped out her process: what she would do, where she would show up, and the steps involved.

Chelsie also puts everything in her calendar to keep herself on track.

By focusing on what mattered for scaling her business, Chelsie became more intentional with her time and increased her overall efficiency.

“Everything changes once you have those foundations in place.”

Why it Works

One part of Chelsie’s business doesn’t have to suffer to allow time for marketing

Chelsie makes sure to schedule time on her calendar for marketing activities because she knows marketing is critical to her business’s  success

The Secret Sauce to Chelsie’s Success

While systems helped iron out Chelsie’s delivery, marketing, and discovery call work, Rhonda helped Chelsie overcome 3 mental roadblocks to her success:

Waiting for the perfect time

Needing to weigh in on all client deliverables

Focusing on just one offer

Start Before You’re Ready

The biggest key to Chelsie’s success is that she started working with Rhonda immediately. Though she initially planned to start a few months down the line, Chelsie decided to take her business by the horns and hop on the Rhonda rocket.

“[I thought] January 1st was a perfect time to start. But Rhonda said, ‘If we start now, we could be light years ahead of where you'd be on January 1st.’ And so we started November 1st and things have gone up and up.”

By giving herself two extra months of runway, Chelsie built the momentum she needed to catapult her business to new heights far earlier than she ever expected.

Systems skyrocket

"I'm so glad I started..."


“I'm so glad I just started before I thought I was ready because I'm light years ahead of where I would have been had I waited.”

Trust Your Processes & Team

Another area that Chelsie struggled with mentally was having to touch each client deliverable.

“I was doing a lot of tedious things. I had team members but they weren't set up for success. And so my hand was still in every single part of the process.”

By creating a thorough SOP and trusting her team to deliver, Chelsie was able to step out of the fulfillment side of her business and spend more time getting new clients.

“Before working with Rhonda, my hand was in everything. And now that we have this SOP, I know my clients are taken care of and I don't have to be doing every single step along the way.”

Do One Thing Well

Chelsie’s journey to become a successful entrepreneur has taken a few twists and turns.

Initially she was an Event Planner, but that role took her away from her family too much.

Then she became a Virtual Assistant doing everything for everybody but quickly realized she couldn’t maintain this business model.

Finally Chelsie realized her passion was helping course creators launch products in Kajabi.

“Once I figured out the path that I wanted to go, everything changed because I had one specific area. I knew who I wanted to help. I knew how I was going to help them.”

This laser-sharp focus not only skyrocketed Chelsie’s revenue, but it gave her the confidence to approach her business hero and offer her services.

“With Rhonda's help I pitched to Amy Porterfield some of the topics her audience really needs to hear.”

Now Chelsie is the go-to Launch Coach in Amy Portfield’s program.

“What I thought would be two years down the road happened within just weeks.”

Chelsie’s Mind-Blowing Money Results

(Who said systems aren’t sexy?!)

After working with Rhonda for just a few months, Chelsie increased her revenue by a cool 167%.

The year prior, Chelsie earned about $75,000 with her business. By embracing Rhonda’s systems, Chelsie reached her goal of a 6-figure business by June!

“My goal last year was a hundred thousand dollars. I didn't get it. I earned $75,000. Now I'm on track to make a hundred thousand dollars by June 30th.”

In addition to revenue growth for the year, Chelsie has had some record months.

“Before working together, I had this goal of reaching $10,000 months consistently. In February I made $15,000. Then in March, we talked about making that goal $20,000. And I was like, yeah, right. I won’t get to $20,000 for another six months at least. But with the things that Rhonda taught me and the things that we worked through, I made $23,000 in one month.”

Are You Ready to Scale Your Business, Chelsie-Style?

The beauty of business systems is that they’re simple but powerful when you have the right coach.

By helping Chelsie cut through the noise, banish the overwhelm, and focus on the steps that would move her business forward, Rhonda helped Chelsie uplevel her business quickly and easily.

“If I didn't start working with Rhonda I'd be Googling still, ‘how to grow a business, how to scale a business’.”

If you’re ready to get out of your own head, stop chasing shiny objects, and build a business that fits your lifestyle, click here to get started.

“Definitely start, start before you're ready!”


Do you want to create more time for your family and business?

If so, you’re invited to join us!

We’ve put together a list of some simple but highly effective strategies that can have a huge impact on how much time it takes you to do things.



Between the two of us we have over 40 years of experience of running our own businesses and making the hard decisions. Not to mention, eight children, three cats, four dogs, and two husbands that round out our ‘normal.’

We just don’t have time for complicated and constantly ask ourselves how we can simplify to make day-to-day tasks feel easier and lighter.

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Do you want to create more time for your family and business?

If so, you’re invited to join us!

We’ve put together a list of some simple but highly effective strategies that can have a huge impact on how much time it takes you to do things.

We also share with you easy ways to simplify your systems so that you can multiply your time in just 10 minutes a day.